
2211 Cascade Road SW Atlanta, GA 30311

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Empowering Minority Communities for a Brighter Tomorrow

Economic Development

Driving change from within, one project at a time.

Community Economic Development Grants

Grant Opportunities: Available for local organizations and businesses dedicated to uplifting minority communities.
Key Focus: Prioritizing initiatives that ensure job creation, affordable housing, and sustainable business growth.
Success Stories: Stay updated with our periodic evaluations and join us in celebrating transformative community impacts

Nurturing the next generation of minority entrepreneurs.

Small Business Incubation Program

Your Launchpad: An all-encompassing program tailored for budding minority entrepreneurs and innovative start-ups.
Guided Growth: Benefit from expert mentorship, dynamic workspaces, and invaluable resources like legal and financial counseling.
Collaborate & Create: Join a thriving ecosystem where diverse ideas merge and business visions come to life.

Promoting holistic community well-being.

Health and Wellness Initiatives

Partners in Health: Aligning with esteemed organizations focused on holistic health, fitness, and sustainability.
Spotlight – Carole’s Garden (2211 Cascade Road): Discover a haven of wellness, education, and sustainable practices.