
2211 Cascade Road SW Atlanta, GA 30311

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The Thomas W. Dortch Jr. Foundation, Inc.

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Your generous contribution can change lives. Each dollar goes directly into programs that enhance financial literacy and foster economic empowerment.
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Donation Total: $100

About Us

The Legacy Continues

At the heart of the Thomas W. Dortch Jr. Foundation lies a deep-rooted commitment to community empowerment. Our journey has been one of dedication, resilience, and unwavering faith in the power of knowledge.
Chairman Emeritus and Founder - Thomas W. Dortch Jr. - An exemplary leader, Thomas W. Dortch Jr.'s vision has been the cornerstone of our mission. His passion for economic empowerment, financial literacy, mentorship and community transformed lives and ignited change. His legacy serves as our guiding light, ensuring that every endeavor echoes his principles and aspirations.

Our Programs

The Thomas W. Dortch, Jr. Foundation offers a range of impactful programs and services aimed at empowering minority communities, fostering economic development, and promoting holistic well-being. Our Economic Development initiatives include Community Economic Development Grants, which provide grant opportunities for local organizations and businesses dedicated to uplifting minority communities, with a focus on job creation, affordable housing, and sustainable business growth. We also offer a Small Business Incubation Program designed to nurture the next generation of minority entrepreneurs through mentorship, resources, and collaboration opportunities. Our Health and Wellness Initiatives focus on promoting holistic community well-being, partnering with esteemed organizations and highlighting Carole's Garden as a haven of wellness and sustainable practices.
